Past Meetings 2000-2007

Across the rattlesnake and scorpion infested plains of Texas ... through the teeming, alligator and moccasin laden swamps of Louisiana, came the first two of their kind to meet in unity and in brotherhood in Nacogdoches, Texas, on June 9, 2000. History will record that, though small in numbers, this first inauspicious gathering would ultimately lead to the formation of the greatest automobile club the world has ever known. From left to right: Linda and Jim Boone, Bobby and Tina Watson. May God bless and go with these four wonderful human beings.

2000 Natchitoches Xmas Parade
Jim Boone looking for his crank handle

Iowa get-together in early February 2001 (starting at left): Jerry & Judy Allen,
Donna Comegys, Colleen Wood, Bob Comegys and Gary Wood.

May 2001 Eureka Shay Convention
The biggest gathering of Shays since they left the factory parking lot in 1980

At the A&W Car Show August 25,2001, Des Moines, Iowa: Well the first ever car show that had a Shay Class was a big hit!! We made it hard on the judges. The difference from 3rd place to first place was only 6 points!! Here is the way it finished: 3rd place was a tie: Larry & Peggy Hulbert (Deluxe Roadster) and Jerry & Judy Allen (Super Deluxe Roadster). 2nd went to Gary & Colleen Wood (Super Deluxe Roadster). First went to Jerry & Judy Allen (Pick-up) and also to Bob & Donna Comegys (Deluxe Roadster). That's right!! We got them for 5 trophies...….

Hershey, Pennsylvania, October 12, 2001: Jim Boone, Gilles Bachand, Herb Lorenz and Bobby Watson.

Second annual Shay Convention in Eureka Springs, May 2002.

2nd Annual Iowa SOCI Meeting in Carroll, on Saturday July 20, 2002.
5 Shay Roadsters and one Shay Pickup were there. Bob & Donna Comegys , Jerry & Judy Allen , Larry & Peggy Hulbert , Ron & Donna Nicolls , Colleen & Gary Wood. It was 103 degrees with a heat index of 115 degrees...

3rd annual SOCI Meeting in Iowa, September 2003

Fourth Annual SOCI Iowa Meeting, held on August 27, 28 & 29, 2004 in Sioux City