Past Meetings 2021
2021 National Meeting, Clear Lake, Iowa
The SOCI Annual Meeting was held in Clear Lake, Iowa June 10-13. At the business meeting the officers were reelected, President Kurt Delpierre, VP Steve Soukup, Treasurer Rob Arntzen, and Membership officer Kathy Delpierre. They will serve another two year term.
We also toured the Kinney Pioneer Museum, the Clear Lake Fire Department Museum, The Surf Ballroom, A Vintage Ford Truck Show, and took a ride on the Lady of the Lake paddlewheel boat. Thanks go to Kurt Delpierre for organizing this event.
The 2022 Annual Meeting will be held in the Kansas City area hosted by Clyde Pace.
The Florida Shay Day was held on MARCH 20, 2021 in New Smyrna Beach, Florida with lunch at The Lost Lagoon Restaurant which is located at 2004 Dixie Highway ( US A1A). Had a great day for a get together.

From right to left around the table. Dean Coleman, Susie & Ed Jordan, Dave Shank, Morgan & Kathy Harris, & Paula Margulis with Dave Rutherford